Download firmware iOS 14.2 beta (18B5052h)

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iPhone 6sDownload
iPhone 6s PlusDownload
iPhone SE (1st generation)Download
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iPhone 7 PlusDownload
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iPod touch (7th generation)Download

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I install this?

Just search for it on Google, you’ll find every post you need.

What if I download the wrong file?

iTunes will stop the process if it detects that you have the wrong file for your device. The only thing it will cost you is another download, so please read carefully.

Where did you get these file URLs?

From the Apple Developer Center.

How do I know these are real?

You aren’t downloading the file from me. You are downloading it directly from Apple, as proved by the URL it downloads from. Also, if they weren’t, iTunes would refuse to install them, as you cannot install modified IPSW files.